知識庫: 郵件軟體設定
S/MIME Application and Installation - Certum Email ID Certificate
發佈人 Sherry Li, lastmodifiedby Sherry Li 發表於 16 12月 2022 09:32 下午

S/MIME Application and Installation - Certum Email ID Certificate

▼ How to apply S/MIME Certificate

①. Please click to Certum E-mail ID Certificate - S/MIME page, then select the plan you order, and click "Apply Now".

(Or you can go to Yuan-Jhen official website ➠ Email➠Certum E-mail ID-S/MIME).

S/MIME certificate application

②. Please review carefully your order at the checkout page.

If you are a new user at Yuan-Jhen, you can register at this page by filling in your information, agree with Term of Service, and click to checkout.

S/MIME certificate application

③ Please collect the order information that is sent to your registered mail.

After payment is completed, you will receive the order confirmation and SSL Certificate Configuration Required.

Please log-in to Yuan-Jhen Customer Center, click to your Certum Email ID at Your Active Products/Services part to install it.

S/MIME certificate application

▼ How to install S/MIME ?

①. Click “Certum SSL Certificate - Certum Email ID” at Your Active Service/Product, then will go to the product page. We will first need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Private Key (private.key).

S/MIME certificate Installation

②. Generate CSR and Private Key by click “Support” on the menu bar then choose “S/MIME CSR Generator”.

S/MIME certificate Installation - S/MIME CSR

③. After entering the S/MIME CSR Generator page, please enter the following required information below:
(Notice: Please note that the information on this page can only be filled in in English, it will not be issued if it is filled in Chinese)

  • Common Name: The email address you want to encrypt with a certificate.
  • Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: Organization,write company name in alphabetic characters only.
  • Department: e.g. IT Dept.
  • City: e.g. New Taipei City.
  • State: use the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code format and fill in the 2-letter country code. E.g. TW.
  • Email Address: email address.
  • Country: e.g Taiwan.
S/MIME certificate Installation - S/MIME CSR

④. Confirm the information then “Submit”, the notify “Email Sent” will pop-up on the screen. Generated CSR (file extension .csr) and Private Key (private.key) are sent to your registered email.

S/MIME certificate Installation - Private key

S/MIME certificate Installation

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑤ Download CSR (file extension .csr) and Private Key (private.key),
Please save a backup copy of your private key somewhere secure.

The CSR (file extension .csr) needs to be submitted to the "Provide new CSR to Renew" of the Certum SSL Certificate - Certum Email ID in Yuan Jhen Customer Center, then copy and paste all the contents of the file to "Provide new CSR to Renew" then Save it.

S/MIME certificate Installation - CSR

S/MIME certificate Installation - CSR

⑥. Click to Show Certificate in Yuan-Jhen Customer Center, then Click to Configuration to configure S/MIME.

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑦. Configure S/MIME Certificate Settings:
Notice: Please note that the information on this page can only be filled in in English, it will not be issued if it is filled in Chinese

❶ Paste the previously generated CSR into the CSR field, and click Get details from CSR.

S/MIME certificate Installation

❷ After click Get details from CSR, Certificate Details will automatically generate information to fill in.

S/MIME certificate Installation

❸ Administrative Contact Information
Notice: Please note that the information on this page can only be filled in in English, it will not be issued if it is filled in Chinese.

The contact information below will not be displayed on the certificate, it is only used to contact you about the order. The email address specified below is used for sending renewal reminders. After filling in the information, please click "Click here to continue".

S/MIME certificate Installation

❹ After confirming the accuracy of all the information, then click on "OK" in the pop-up window.

S/MIME certificate Installation

❺ Click to Continue.

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑧. Your SSL certificate application has been submitted, please wait for "Certificate Issuing Authority (CA)" verification. You will receive an email about verifying.

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑨. Go to your email and click "Verify your email address" to confirm your email address.

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑩. After verified email address, go back to Yuan-Jhen Customer Center and click “Show Certificate”.

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑪ Copy Public Key and Intermediate Certificate:

Please copy"X.509 Certificate" and "Intermediate Certificate".

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑫ Combine CRT and Key into PFX (contain public key and private key of Intermediate Certificate)

➊ Click “Support” on the menu bar of Yuan-Jhen Customer Center, select “PKCS12 Generator” to merge CTR and Key to PFX.

S/MIME certificate Installation

➋ Copy “X.590 Certificate”, paste into Certificate, Intermediate Certificate paste into Chain Certificate field and private key paste into Private Key field.

❸ Click “Submit” to finish, then pop-up “Email Sent and Password” notification.
Please save PASSWORD somewhere secure, it will be used for importing the S/MIME certificate into your email.

S/MIME certificate Installation

S/MIME certificate Installation

⑬ Please go to your mailbox to collect PKCS12 file (S/MIME Certificate), you can open the .pfx file and import the certificate into IIS or Outlook.

S/MIME certificate Installation

Applying S/MIME Certum Email ID Certificate >> S/MIME - Certum Email ID CertificateExample of using S/MIME Certificate in Outlook

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